The City of Ketchikan is a deferred jurisdiction under Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) 13 AAC 50.075 and has adopted the 2012 International Fire Code (IFC) as amended by Ketchikan Municipal Code Title 18 . A copy of the 2012 edition of the International Fire Code with all appendices will be kept on file in the office of the city clerk.
The International Code Council (ICC) provides free access to the IFC and other ICC codes at:
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) provides free access to NFPA codes and standards at:
Operating smoke detectors save lives. Ketchikan Fire Department recommends checking your smoke detector according to the manufacturer’s instructions and replacing the batteries at least twice per year. A good rule of thumb is to change your batteries when you change your clocks in the Spring and Fall.
When funding permits, the fire department may have smoke detectors available for residents that are unable to purchase them. Smoke detectors can be purchased at local department stores, hardware stores, and multiple other retailers.
For more information on Smoke Detectors visit the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Smoke Alarm Central at
Fire prevention is the primary focus of the Ketchikan Fire Marshal's Office. If you have questions or concerns regarding fire safety or fire hazards, please contact the Ketchikan Fire Department via email or by calling 907-225-9616.
Senior citizens are a particularly vulnerable population. Here is a link to helpful tips and suggestions geared toward senior citizens and their care givers.
The City of Ketchikan has a regular fire inspection program and also requires Seasonal Fire Inspections for any business that is not operational for 120 consecutive days or more in a year. More information on our seasonal inspection program can be found here.
If you are starting a new business or relocating a current business to a new address, please notify the Fire Marshal at 907-228-2363 or via email at Bi-annual inspections are required for all business operating within the City limits.
The City of Ketchikan, Department of Public Works, Building Inspection Division manages the building permit program and works closely with the Fire Marshal to coordinate all plan reviews. Information regarding whether or not a building permit is required can be found on the Public Works-Building Inspections page.
If you are blasting within the City limits, you are required to obtain a blasting permit. The applications for the use and handling of explosives can be downloaded here: Explosives Use and Handling Permit.pdf. If you are transporting explosive a transportation permit also needs to be completed: Transport Permit.pdf. Applications with supporting documentation should be submitted either via email or in person at Station 1 (70 Bawden Street).